The 10th Annual sEcurITy
Sept. 21st,


Security BSides is a platform run by the infosec (information security) community, for the infosec community. It's all about creating friendly events where everyone can share their ideas and learn from each other. It's a great place for insightful discussions, practical demos, and interactive sessions on the latest trends. In short, it's where people get together to talk about and shape the future of information security.


Security BSides started in 2009 when some talented speakers couldn't fit into a major conference. So, we decided to make room for them. Our goal is to break down the typical barriers of conferences, allowing for more speakers, more topics, and more events. Since 2009 every state, and every country has held a Security BSides event. (Most states hold more than one per year.)


BSides Connecticut started in 2011 with an all-volunteer crew. As more people learn about us, we've grown ever larger in size and scope. BSides events are about sharing and learning from each other. They're a platform for security experts and professionals to share ideas and make lasting connections. Each BSides event, including ours, is driven by the community. The idea is to take the conversation beyond the usual conference setting and encourage collaboration. It's a chance for participants to share their knowledge and learn from each other.

Call for Papers!

Call for Workshops!


Anyone can submit a talk. If you're skilled in something, just starting out, or want to share your experiences, we want to hear from you. Even if you're unsure, take a leap and submit. We're here to help. You'll need to bring your own device. If you can only bring slide decks, we might be able to help. It's best to bring your own adapters, just in case.


For BSides Connecticut, we focus on two main tracks that cover all aspects of information security.


Talks should be 35-40 minutes long, leaving time for questions and discussions. Lightning Talks should be about 15 minutes, plus 5 minutes for questions. Here's what makes a good submission:

  • Outline your talk. The more detail, the better.
  • Have you given this talk before? If so, when and where?
  • Is your company's name mentioned after your Bio slide? If so, why?
  • Any additional files or documents about your topic? (white papers, proof of concept, code, etc.)

The best talks have something the audience can use right away. Whether that's a practical action, a script, a methodology, a command - something of value that participants can use in their day-to-day life. That's what we're looking for.


Workshops to be considered must be anywhere between 2 to 4 hours long, and should provide attendees with real hands-on experience.

We are open to a variety of topics in the information security realm, whether that be technical, business-oriented, or anything in between, as long as it’s an interesting and worthwhile experience for those attending!

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Security BSides is a community-led initiative where information security enthusiasts come together to learn, share, and connect. Our events are designed for everyone, whether you're presenting or just participating. We cultivate an environment that sparks collaboration and insightful conversations. Our intense, engaging experiences break the mold of typical meetings with hands-on demos and deep discussions. Here, you'll find cutting-edge talks about what's next in our industry.